By Diane O’Connell

One thing I love about reading a novel is meeting a new cast of characters. Think of your favorite novel: At the heart of everything is a realistic, enthralling protagonist, compelling supporters, or a dynamic villain. The best characters resonate as actual people that you feel as if you could go out and meet.

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By Janet Spencer King

For those of you writing a book, here’s a question you really need to ask yourself. Who is your audience, the people you believe will be most interested in reading your book? It’s crucial for you to know the answer to this, and, no, it isn’t “everyone.” Even the Bible doesn’t have an audience of everyone.

I bring this up because it matters … a lot.

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By Janet Spencer King

Are you writing a novel? How to pace your novel is a crucial element in its success. No doubt you’ve spent days thinking about first lines, paragraphs and pages. Naturally you want your first words to capture readers’ attention, to get them to read your book.

Many first-time fiction writers assume that for instant attention, they should start with their story’s Big Event. An imagined example: “The country road wove peacefully through the hills, but the accident on it that night splintered the XX family for good.”

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By Janet Spencer King

Self-publishing technology has truly opened the door for writers everywhere. No more lengthy searches for an agent and a publisher in hopes of a contract. Through self-publishing writers have the exciting and invigorating opportunity to make their book a reality.

You may plan to go this route on your own, but self-publishing is complex. Writers are best served by professionals who have extensive experience supervising the process — including interior and cover design — to achieve maximum results.

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By Olga Vezeris

Back when I worked on staff for major publishers, much of my work was focused on trying to find bestsellers. But what does that word really mean? Yes, it’s any book that sells a great many copies in a bookstore or on the internet, and is seen and talked about in the media. Just as important, though, it’s a book written so well that people want to read it, regardless of how well it has sold.

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By Diane O’Connell

So many authors who come to me for guidance have dreams of writing a bestseller. And for some, that has happened. But it wasn’t by accident. I have found that the writers who have gone on to great success have all begun the writing process by following these three crucial steps

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By Janet Spencer King

Your book is going to press. You sit back, smile, and congratulate yourself on a job well done… and a job that’s finished.

Alas, that’s not the case. You have much more to do.

The big task hanging over you now is Marketing!

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