For our authors who wish to self-publish, we supervise the entire production process—from copy edit to cover design to back cover blurb to printing—to create a first-class book that is competitive in the market place.
Self-publishing offers speed, certainty and author control
Working closely with our authors we produce both print and e-books. We have assembled a top-flight team of cover and interior-page designers, copyeditors, back-cover copywriters, proofreaders, printers, and e-book converters. We consult with the author regularly as we proceed through cover and interior-page design, copyediting, and finally proof reading.
To be sure you get the widest distribution and top-quality printing, we use both Amazon’s KDP platform and IngramSpark for our books. Once you have approved the e-proof and the hard copy, which is to say your book—at last!—is in your hands, the printers automatically arrange distribution. Your book will have its own book page on all major online retailing sites—Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many others including international ones. The e-book version will be available on those sites as well, plus Apple, Kobo, and many more.
You, the author, own the ISBN and retain full ownership of your book. Furthermore, all net profits go directly to your accounts. Additionally, we have partnered with Station Square Media, a distinctive indie publisher, to offer selective authors the opportunity to use the Station Square Media imprint. Your book cover and description, along with links to Amazon and other online merchants, will appear on its own page on the publisher’s website.
Demystifying Book Marketing
All authors today, whether traditionally or self-published, bear the responsibility of marketing their book. Because of the complexity and confusion surrounding book marketing, we now offer our authors consultation for the most effective strategies. Depending on your need, we can establish or update your author website with our site designer team. We guide you on author pages for Amazon, Goodreads and BookBub and help you establish affordable advertising that actually works, including on Amazon.
Social Media can easily be overwhelming and become a major distraction for busy authors. We help you sort through the various ones to decide which will most appeal to you and your followers and ones that can actually become fun. Other approaches we devise will depend on the nature of your personal background and the subject matter of your book and what is most appropriate for both.
Self-publishing today is a firmly established, respected, and successful way to make certain your book reaches its audience. Do consider it.